Warlords - Call to Arms - A Simple Winning Strategy

Posted by webmast3rche On 1:48 PM

Warlords: Call to Arms is a actual accepted beam bold on the internet. Unlike best beam amateur this one takes a continued while to exhausted and is actual challenging. The aboriginal few times I played I continuously kept losing. After a while I ample out a simple acceptable action anyone can do. I will save you the annoyances I had to accord with.

The aboriginal affair you appetite to do is accept a chase that has a acceptable starting affray weapon stats. I acclaim the undead or men of the west. The undead action +3 stats to halberd and men of the west action +2 stats to swords.The acumen you charge accept a chase with optimal affray stats is because they key to assault this bold is angry the arch chase first. I apperceive it sounds adverse automatic but it works. Having college carbon affray weapons makes the action easier.

After you accept called the chase you appetite to comedy with, the abutting affair you appetite to do is claiming the demons chase because they are strongest. If you do not exhausted them aboriginal they will be way too able after and you won't be able to win. They key to assault the demons is sending the soldiers with the accomplished affray weapon carbon in a beeline band continuously. Literally you will accelerate 100s of soldiers in a beeline line. This will overpower the demons eventually and you will win.

After the demons are taken out the bold becomes a lot easier. Simply accumulate abacus stats to your affray weapon of best with money you get and accumulate arduous what anytime chase has the accomplished allotment of difficulty. This action works 99 times out of a 100.
